Monday, February 9, 2009

The look of SUCCESS!

By now we are all well into this competition and hopefully noticing some changes in our bodies. A number of you have commented either to me or through the blog that you have lost weight. Sometimes it gets frustrating because 1 pound sure doesn't seem like much, but lets take minute and put things in perspective. 1 pound is FOUR cubes of butter, an entire box. It is about 2 medium sized apples, it is 1/5 of a bag of sugar, it is a really, really big hamburger. My point here is that we should be proud of ourselves for every pound that we lose. Sometimes that one pound can take a lot of HARD work to sweat off, but it is well worth it. Next time you pull out a box of butter, remember how many of those boxes you have lost and be proud of your hard work! I am proud of you all and would love to combine all of our boxes to see just how much success we have had! :)
*Thanks Diane for the comparison to butter! It really put things in perspective for me.

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