Saturday, April 25, 2009

Food for Thought!

I attended a weight loss class with my dad this week at The Heart and Lung Institute of Utah. I learned some very valuable information that I thought would be fun to share with all of you. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

The minimum amount of exercise required for weight loss is 30 minutes! That seems unrealistic some days I know, but the up side is that new research shows that 10 minute sessions 3 times a day are just as good as one 30 minute session.

  • Cardio exercise should be done 3-5 days a week to achieve weight loss and later to maintain.

Combining cardio exercise with resistance training (weight lifting) will help you lose weight and makes your aerobic exercise more effective.

  • Resistance training should be done 2-4 days a week for 20-30 minutes.

Try resistance bands, they are awesome! The are inexpensive and easy to store. You don't have to have a free weight set to do resistance training. I just bought my dad some bands at Walmart, they were $15 for a set of 3 different weights and it came with a workout video and exercise chart. I highly recommend these. B and I use them often.

As you build muscle you will burn more calories because more muscle tissue=more calories burned! The other advantage to resistance training, it not only builds muscle but bones too! It helps prevent Osteoporosis and gives your metabolism a boost!

Keep a diary!
Keeping a food diary has been proven to help you eat less and lose weight. It will help you keep track of exactly what you are eating. Sometimes we forget about that doughnut we had a 6am but our diary won't.

Lose weight slowly!
Healthy weight loss should be about 1-2 pounds per week. Fat loss is achieved best when weight is slow!

1lb of weight = 3500 calories. In order to lose weight you need to cut 500 calories from your DAILY diet. That could mean one less can of soda (250 calories) + 250 calories burned (30 min on the treadmill) By cutting out those calories (500 per day) you should lose about 1lb a week!

Watch your portions!
Portion sizes today are 2 times as big as they were 25 years ago! Skip the supersize and go small! Fat has 9 calories per gram! Protein and carbs have only 4 calories per gram! So stay away from fat and head toward the protein!

Stay focused on healthy not thin!
As we improve our eating habits and other healthy habits, our bodies will change. Don't get discouraged when the scale says the same number it said last week! Your body is noticing a difference if you are eating better and exercising!

Get support!
Hello people, that is what this whole thing is! We are all rooting for each other in a friendly competition! Lean on your support systems for encouragement to exercise, eat better and obtain a healthier lifestyle!


Tegan Hall said...

Thanks for the great tips! I can attest that writing down what you eat and being totally honest, really makes you think about your food choices i.e. 1 cookie is okay but to write that you ate 10, that's an eye opener!! I also think we should continue with this "on-line" support system and see what changes we can make in our lives. Let's give our input for modifications so we can keep the ball rolling after the next 20 days. I think that no eating after 8 pm and no caffeine should be 2 separate points. Any other suggestions or rule changes?

Michelle and James said...

I have to say I agree with Diane for the carbonation and after 8 point. I still try really hard not to eat after 8 because it’s just not good for you any way so it would just add extra incentive. However I know it would be hard for some people and their schedules. I was very impressed by the info you posted about the class. It’s nice to hear it come from somewhere reliable. I love biggest loser trainer tips too. If I could just apply them in my life I would be good. I also like the idea of the support system after we are done with the competition part.