Monday, February 23, 2009

I want to take a minute to discuss the quote of the week. It is totally lame that it is by Cher, but looking beyond that there is some real insight to be found. Ha! I think sometimes we get so discouraged when we don't notice any changes as soon as we would like that we may have our eyes open and looking for the "quick fix" such as the HCG injections, gastric bypass, Alli, and any other number of weight loss aides. But we need to remember it is a gradual process, a lifestyle change that will allow us to be healthy and look good, without the crutch of a weight loss supplement.

For example: One of my good friends and dear neighbor just told me this story today! Her husband is now on his third round of HCG injections. I asked her why, assuming it was all a part of the process. It isn't. She said it is because he won't maintain his weight, so when he gets back up he returns to the HCG to help him lose the weight again. She quickly informed me that he hasn't changed his lifestyle so once the diet is done he returns to his same eating habits and thus the weight returns.

I thought it was something worth discussing because at this stage in the game we all get a little frustrated with how things are progressing. Remember the road to success is always under construction, it takes time to make a change. Good luck and remember this week is still double point week for weight loss. Look for the team totals Wednesday! :)


Tegan Hall said...

Thanks for the encouraging words. I need to remember that I am not "on a diet" but on a path to a healthier lifestyle. There really is no end in sight, (this really does not end in May.) Hopefully, one day exercise will feel like part of my daily routine, brush my teeth, shower, exercise, etc. and go on with my daily routine. Right now it still feels like drudgery (is that a word?) Anyway, I guess I feel like I have accomplished something when I get up and get the exercising over with.
By the way, I heard several people comment about how fun the blog was to read last week. It is only fun if people comment. So you slackers, get commenting. I was the first one to comment last week also!!! Can't way to hear from the rest of you.

The Balls said...

It is gradual! Brandon rolls in the door last night around 9:30, I am gasses...SO TIRED, with a sausage stuffed crust pizza from pizza hut. Probably the most unhealthy thing possible and ofcourse I cave and have a piece! Then you know I DIDN'T exercise, I went to straight to bed with a tummy full of stuffed crust! How's that for a lifestyle change! Clearly I am still working on it, and have some serious weaknesses! Don't worry the leftovers are in the fridge, I made a piece for Cannon for lunch and once again caved! I suck, but it was in the back of my mind that I should resist, thats progress right?! And unlike Brandon I didn't follow it with a sweet sugar cookie!

Ransom Family said...

At least it was only one piece. My biggest weakness is that I can't stop when something tastes good. It really is amazing how much more satisfying it is eating grapes than chocolate. I don't know if they beat out the boston baked beans yet though:) It was a lot of fun reading everyones comments last week.

susanb said...

I agree Diane that this is not a diet (even though I can not convince Steve of that) but a healthier lifestyle change. Rachel's story about her neighbor made me stop and think about how I probably would be just like him going back to eating the same thing that I had been eating before starting this "healthy competition" with my family. I now know that I am going to have to try and continue with the will power to keep away from the sugary treats, sodas and things. Everybody keep up the good work. Hey Diane, maybe I will try and be the first to comment next week. (that would be a shocker huh?) It is always fun to check the different blog sites. Have a good weekend everybody and I will tune in next week to see how everyone is doing.

Michelle and James said...

Wow what a week! This week was a rough one for me. It was extra extra busy this week so I didn't do that great with eating healthy. I have figured out that you have to make very conscious decisions about what you eat and when it gets busy man that goes out the window. It doesn't help when you drive down the road and there are 10 fast food restaurants staring you in the face. When its late and you don't want to cook it seems to be the only option. So any quick healthy meal suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone did well this week. Keep up the good work.