Friday, March 6, 2009

I heard from two of you about how you are feeling a little bit discouraged and how it is hard to keep going. I thought I would share this with you all in hopes of emitting some energy!
I think it is important to remember this is a LIFESTYLE change! Changes take time, it is a gradual process and bad habits are hard to break. But isn't that why we are all in this thing, we ALL have some bad habits we need to drop?! We need to take baby steps and forget about the giant leaps! Changes don't happen over night, or in a month people! Lets set some little goals, and once we reach them celebrate the moment and find in that the motivation to continue!
Let me share my story with you...
  • I recently had a date with the girl doctor, you know that ever so fun yearly visit! I had a certain weight that I wanted to be when I went in because I KNEW that they would either put me on the dreaded scale or ask me the dreaded number! I am happy to report that I reached that weight! It is NOT the weight I want to be when we are done with this comp, but it was a mini goal that I set with-in a larger one. I can't tell you how good it felt to tell the nurse the number I wanted (on the way to wanting) instead of her telling me what I did not want to hear! That provided some serious motivation for me!
  • For two years now I have wanted to run in The Race for the Cure in SLC. It is not a marathon, only a 5k so I think I have a shot at completing it. Last year I dang near registered but decided I had spent too much time on the coach rather than in my running shoes. So I shied away and didn't run! This year one of my goals f0r this comp was to finally run in the race! I have been running on my treadmill faithfully since January. When I started I couldn't even run a mile, or even a half mile. Now I can dang near run two with out stopping. I am averaging about 6-8 miles a week. That doesn't sound like much but comparing it to before when it is 0, it is quite a feat! I only run 3-4 days a week for a half an hour enough time to get my point! I do something else on the off days. The race isn't until May so I think my training is paying off! I am excited for the race and for seeing the change in both my commitment and endurance! When I finish a two mile run or even a mile, I feel so good that I have come this far in just a month. My goal by the end of March is to be able to run 2.5 miles without stopping. Just another mini goal with in a larger goal! Each time I finish my run I feel motivated to go even farther next time.
I share this with you because we may have set these GRAND goals that seem impossible to reach. Let me assure they are not impossible! We just have to push ourselves and celebrate the minor accomplishments. If we do this, imagine the feeling when you reach the actual goal itself! Don't be discouraged, keep pushing yourself further and harder. It is OK to have a bad week or even weeks. Just kick it up a notch or two the next week! Most importantly remember even a little goal is a goal reached. No matter how big or small YOU did it, YOU reached it, YOU accomplished it!
*I had to post that picture at the top, because those are my running shoes! Ha! I thought it was funny that that picture came up and they just happened to be the exact same ones as mine!


Ransom Family said...

Way to go Rachel! I have a lot of people that I know that run in 5ks or 10ks, I would love to be able to do that. It would be fun if some of us got together and did a 5k. You are right about it being little goals that are attainable to get us each to the big goal. I haven't had any more baked beans since my three box weekend. And I have actually gone a couple of days in a row without having a sweet treat. That is huge for me because I have a neverending sweet tooth.

Williamson said...

Well, thank goodness for your positive attitude Rachel. Heaven knows that I could use some extra boosts right now. My local teammates haven't been too committed the last couple of weeks which in turn means that, yes, I have caved to temptation! Those extra bonus points for more dropped pounds seemed to work to the contrary for me. I will try to climb back on the horse next week. I left a post last week, but like the rest of my week, it failed to actually post so Rachel has tried to make this posting business fool (mom) proof. Hope it works!

Michelle and James said...

Good job Rachel. You are my idol. I need to just get my butt up off the couch and go. I have talked about walking or running in a 5K around here this summer with some coworkers and I haven't done one thing about it. So thanks for the motivation hopefully I will join a gym this week. That's my small goal for this week, because if I have to pay money maybe that will be motivation enough.